maandag 27 mei 2013

Cloud computing

For those who don't know yet what cloud computing is, let me explain it first. Cloud computing is actualy just running your own server virtualized. This means you have a virtual server on a computer somewhere else. It doesn't realy exist, it's just logical and not physical. The advantage is, you don't have to invest in new hardware, although you have to pay rent for the resources you use from your provider. It comes in very handy if you don't want to make a big investment right away or if you don't have the room for your own server. This way it's all a lot simpler. Just rent a virtual server and they take care for everything. Mostly you can check the hardware status and up- or downgrade any moment and this in just seconds. You don't need to go buy the hardware first, it can just be added right away. Others think it comes in handy for when there is something wrong with the server, when this happens, your server just gets moved to another computer and is imediately back online.

Johnny Lee's own view

Hi, I found this cool video about how Johnny Lee can make all these cool things with a wii remote. He can make a whiteboard, a touchscreen and even 3D-glasses with this cheap thing. All these things recquire some software or some aditions, but they are all so simple and easy to use. I think for any further information, just go to his page and watch this video.

zondag 26 mei 2013


What is bitcoin?
A bitcoin is a online currency, like the USD or the EUR, except, you can't hold a bitcoin. The only difference is that you can't hold a bitcoin and you can't pay everywhere with thelm. Although some companies accept bitcoins, mainly online companies. So you can't go shopping in the city and start paying with bitcoins.

Bitcoin is created by a programmer or group of programmers, this still remains a mistery, known as Satoshi Nakamoto and it has been around since 2009.

If you want a bitcoin yourself, you need to buy one online, there are several sites for it, like tradehill or Mt. Gox. You can also get one by "mining", this way your computer is gonna check with a mathematical process if a hidden series of letters and numbers match with an unclaimed bitcoin. Now this ain't that simple anymore, all the simple combinations are already claimed. These days serious miners have multiple computers running to search for the right combination. There are even viruses on the internet that makes your computer a slave for them so they use your computer to mine for them.

The bitcoin doesn't have a fixed value, it changes all the time. If you realy want to know what the bitcoin is worth at the moment just go to here you can find all the information about bitcoin and it's exchange.

maandag 18 februari 2013

UPS - Uninterruptable Power Supply

Hello people, in this post I would like to tell you more about the UPS.

The UPS is an uninterruptable power supply, but what does it actually do and why should you buy it and install it on your server?

Well the UPS actually is just a power supply that is plugged into your server and will activate when there is a power breakdown or something similar. The UPS won't keep the server up for a very long time. Though this depends on which UPS you use. But still, it isn't meant to keep the server running for days. When the power breaks down and the UPS starts to work, you should get a signal that you will need to shut the server down. If you don't have a UPS the server will shut down immediately and as most of you will know it is never healthy to suddenly shut down a server without any warning. This way changes made can get lost and data can get corrupt or damaged. So with the UPS you'll get the cance to shut your server down in a safe way. This is much healthier for the server than the sudden shutdown it would normally occur when the power breaks down.

I think the UPS can come in handy for big servers so you don't get in too much trouble when the power breaks down. It does cost quite a lot of money but it will also save you a lot of money when you have a power breakdown. So I would advice anyone working with servers to make sure you get a UPS to get rid of the troubles you get when there is a power breakdown.

woensdag 28 november 2012

Windows 8 and server 2012 patch

Two weeks after Patch Tuesday there's already another patch, Windows says this patch is not as necessary as the one from Patch Tuesday wich was to make sure hostile code was unable to be activated from a distance on the platforms.The new patch will be all new and won't be replacing any previous patches, it's an important update for the performances and reliability. Even though the patch isn't critical like the previous, Windows still wants their users to download and install the patch as fast as possible. Not all the specifications of the patch are known but some of them are though. It contains the personalization of the lock-screen, it improves the battery live when in sleep mode and many other software-updates.

If you want more information about the patch and how to install it just click here.

Microsoft support Windows server 2008

Windows server 2008

Windows server came out on May 6 2008. Microsoft first wanted to end the mainstream support period for Windows server 2008 on July 19 2013,but they are changing this date to Januari 13 2015. The mainstream support is actually the free support, the security updates and the patches are always free to download. When the mainstream support expires there's still the extended support, the extended support still offers free security updates but the patches will be against a payment with a so called Hotfix Agreement. The extended support will be available until Januari 14 2020.

maandag 21 mei 2012


Een busnetwerk is een topologie waarbij de aangesloten computers met elkaar communiceren via één verbinding. Deze verbinding heet de backbone. De uiteinden hiervan zijn niet met elkaar verbonden maar worden afgesloten door een terminator.

Het voordeel is dat men het gemakkelijk kan uitbreiden, het is eenvoudig te realiseren en er zijn meer dan 22 computers per netwerk mogelijk.
Het nadeel dan weer is de betrouwbaarheid. Door het gebruik van één kabel in een segment heeft het als gevolg dat bij uitval of onderbreking het hele segment plat komt te liggen.
Deze structuur wordt vaak gebruikt bij een LAN-netwerk, ethernet en Appletalk.